THE LAND/an art site, Inc. presents
An installation by Don Gill
June 5-26, 2010
Opening reception and artist’s talk June 5, 5-8 pm
Gallery Hours: Thursday and Saturday 11am-5pm and by appointment
THE LAND/gallery
419 Granite Ave. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 242-1501
Email: theland@comcast.net
Website: www.landartsite.org
ERRATIC SPACE: Treating space as unmapped/unknown terrain that becomes known by wandering and examination. This wandering, in association with photography, video, GPS technology, and other forms of data collection, develops a map of both the physical terrain and the artist's experience of it. Erratic Spaces/THE LAND is a gallery installation based on the artist's February 2010 residency at THE LAND/an art site.
Multi-media artist DON GILL teaches at Lethbridge University, Alberta. In addition to New Mexico, recent art projects have taken him to D'Arcy Island, British Columbia and New South Wales, Australia.
THE LAND/an art site, Inc., a nonprofit organization, provides environmental artists with opportunities to work and exhibit in New Mexico, and works to promote awareness of environmental issues through the arts. THE LAND maintains offices, a resource center and a gallery space, THE LAND/gallery, in downtown Albuquerque, and a forty-acre outdoor site in the foothills of the Manzano Mountains devoted exclusively to site-specific, environmentally low-impact, land-based art.
CONTACT: THE LAND/an art site at (505) 242-1501