"As a new area in the Department of Art and Art History, Art and Ecology creates a signature discipline for the University of New Mexico. Building from the successful Land Arts of the American West program, Art and Ecology provides a full curriculum based on the environments and communities of the southwest. Courses are designed to further students' understanding of representation, land use, ecology, and classic Land Art in the Southwest. Art and Ecology engages ecological scholars, artists, and activists both within and outside of academia to support its curriculum. Students will learn to research, write, and speak effectively. Coursework will familiarize them with major ecological systems and the processes involved in creating two-, three- and four-dimensional events. Courses will also include a focus on understanding and controlling the ecological impacts of art materials and practices. The curriculum guides students through collaborations (both interdisciplinary and cross-cultural) and the mechanisms of public process." -read and learn more about the program site
Or contact:
Bill Gilbert
Lannan Chair,
Land Arts of the American West
Art & Ecology
Catherine Page Harris
Assistant Professor
Art and Ecology